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Obama's State of the Union Speech: Obama reframes Economic Debate

Obama puts so much emphasis on economy as economy is driving force for a state. In his State of the Union speech he gives some unique ideas for economy and economists. It is an idea meant to serve as both a reminder of the enterprising spirit that has long propelled America through tough times as well as an optimistic assurance that the country is up to the enormous challenges it now faces.

The speech came at a critical juncture in his presidency. He has begun to recover from the depths of voter dissatisfaction he hit last fall, but he faces a newly empowered GOP determined to stop many of his initiatives as the 2012 campaign gets underway.

Of course, the president touched on other areas in the nearly hour-long speech before a crowd that included Daniel Hernandez, the intern who helped save the life of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, and the family of Christina Taylor Green, the 9-year-old who was killed in the Tucson shootings. Obama pledged to begin removing U.S. troops from Afghanistan by July, and to finish the job of bringing them home from Iraq. He promised a plan to consolidate and reorganize the federal government to make it more efficient. He also delivered another brief tribute to the victims and heroes of the rampage. As he did in Tucson, he turned that tragic experience into a jumping off point for a broader meditation on the need for a return to dialogue and a sense of common purpose in American politics. And he pointedly noted that Republicans, having been handed a greater role in governing by the American people in last November's election, now share the responsibility for resolving the country's problems. "New laws will only pass with support from Democrats and Republicans," he said. "We will move forward together, or not at all — for the challenges we face are bigger than party, and bigger than politics."

"We do big things." It was the closing theme of President Obama's State of the Union speech.
Now it is matter to watch how long this new theory of Obama will last???


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