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WikiLeaks: lists sites which put much concerns for the U.S.A.

WikiLeaks gives birth accident one after another randomly. Currently they published details of sites around the globe which the U.S.A. considers vital to its interests, prompting criticism that the website is helping militants identify targets for attack. The details are part of 250,000 diplomatic cables obtained by the campaigning website which are being made public. The list begins with a cobalt mine in Kinshasa, Congo and refers to various locations in Europe where drug companies produce insulin, treatment for snake bites and foot and mouth vaccines.

In this concern, Foreign Secretary of U.K.
called the publication of the list "particularly reprehensible." "There is great concern of course about disclosing a list of targets that could be of use to terrorists or saboteurs," he told BBC radio. "I think it is absolutely reprehensible the publication is carried out without regard to wider concerns of security, the security of millions of people," he said.

Whatever, the world now eagerly waited for another accident from WikiLeaks!

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Obama will ask a deal on extending tax cut

Switching from sport, the U.S. President Barack Obama, now he concentrates on economy . Obama keeps continue his traveling. Obama's traveling to North Carolina to speak at a community college, where he'll ask a deal on extending tax cuts and jobless benefits. His trip to Winston-Salem comes as the White House and lawmakers are working on a compromise to extend temporarily Bush-era tax cuts for all income brackets and expiring jobless benefits. According to White House, Obama will renew his opposition Monday to any upper-income tax-cut extension unless unemployment benefits also are extended. Obama also will call for investments in education and innovation to boost America's competitiveness with other countries. Read More......